4 responses
The phrase على طول in this context means "right after", or "directly/immediately after" indicating a very short period of time between the tasleem and the person standing for his sunnah prayers و الله أعلم و أعلى و بارك الله فيكم و نفع بكم
I can actually see how the phrase على طول relates to English since we could say "he prayed 'Asr and left straightaway" ie: right after. By the way may Allaah reward you all for spreading Salafiyyah in NC. My fathers family is from Enfield, about 100 miles away.
Good eye; may Allaah reward you for the correction.
Assalamualaikum, Regarding the line "Also, it is prohibited to connect a prayer to another prayer without separatingthem with speech or moving (to another spot.)", we don't know of any hadeeth which speaks like this. Can you please let us know any hadeeth on the matter. We feel this is mustahabb to change the place and not obligatory. Jazakallahu Khair! Juned